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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  July 25, 2012 2:35am-4:00am EDT

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america. >> the ohio state university. >> upper 90s -- in atlanta and dallas. and just shy of 80 in seattle. while some survivors of the colorado shooting massacre are sharing new details about what exactly happened in the theater early last friday morning. they say james holmes he stalked around the theater shouting and appeared to pick out and target his victims. meantime "batman" star christian bale visited with survivors in the hospital thanking the medical staff and the police. some survivors got visits from the denver broncos. >> you can tell they actually care. that's why they're coming around to everybody. >> at the university of colorado hospital, hugo jackson medley was born tuesday morning. he and his mom, katie, who also was at the movie thooeater but t injured. they're doing well. in the same hospital her husband caleb critically injured. in a medically induced coma one floor below where his son was
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born. there are reports he is starting to breathe on his own. just the news of his son's birth is doing him a lot of good. >> so god to hear that. praying for both of the folks. the gun control debate is heating up after the colorado shootings. but on capitol hill debate is not going to turn into any action at least during the election year. democrating and congressional leaders say there are no plans to take up the gun issue right now. still there is a new call for democrats to ban the high capacity ammunition clips. the presidential race is moving the spot light from the economy to foreign policy. >> it is no surprise that president obama and mitt romney are taking starkly different positions. abc's karen travers has the latest. good morning, karen. >> reporter: good morning, rob. good morning, paula. it was a rare break from all the economic talk. this week, president obama and mitt romney are trading jabs over foreign policy. the number one priority for an cans right now is the economy. this week, the campaign focus has shifted. in remarks to the veterans of
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foreign wars national convention, mitt romney issued a scathing indictment of president obama's foreign policy. >> why haven't seen much in the president's first term that inspires confidence in a second. >> reporter: mitt romney uneurope this week. he will make stops in the united kingdom, israel and poland. romney is expected to leave the attacks of the president behind. before he left he got in some tough jabs. >> he has given trust where it is not earned, insult where it was not deserved, and apology where it is not due. >> four years ago i made you a promise. i pledged to take the fight to our enemies. and renew our leadership in the world. as president, that's what i have done. >> reporter: unlike romney, the president never mentioned his rival by name. given the criticism, romney launched against the president over the timetable for withdrawal in afghanistan, it was clear who the president was referring to. >> when your commander-in-chief,
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you owe the troops a plan. you owe the country a plan. and that includes recognizing not just when to begin wars but also how to end them. >> reporter: the romney campaign calls the european trip a learning opportunity, not a chance for him to present his foreign policy. but the obama campaign dismissed it as just a bunch of photo-ops and fundraisers. rob, paula, back to you. >> thank you, karen. the wars are so unpopular and have been so long. hard to believe the majority of the country will fault the president for setting time lines to bring our troops back hope. don't see how that is a losing point. concerning what the polls show. >> the polls, i mean going to be different tomorrow than it is, in three days, a very, very volatile, of course, mitt romney is winning on economics. the president wins on likability. typically, 70% of the time, i sound like a line from -- what is that anchorman-73% of the time works all the time. a stat.
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they say 70%. hard to recover after that. >> paula was a math major. >> the likeable candidate wins 70% or more of public elections. there you have it. >> the country does vote on who they like. we're superficial. >> i vote for ron burgundy. >> the beer test. we'll see. miles to go. no one knows for sure just yet. no one knows. >> 70% of the time it works. 60% of the time. >> thank you, paula. now to serious news this morning. syria and to reports of violence are now pouring in from that country's largest city. the president bashar al-assad forces are in aleppo unleashing air strikes. >> reporter: we joined a convoy on a highly dangerous mission to aleppo driving around army check points sneaking along back roads. headlights off. passing under the nose of government troops. and into syria's second city where the insurgency has found
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its loudest voice. [ gunfire ] and the battle is at its most fierce. [ chanting ] by daylight rebel snipers take to the roofs. it was another day of intensive fighting as the fighters try to extend their control. losing aleppo would be a potentially fatal blow to president assad and the fight-back began. with helicopter, gun ships, firing at rebel positions. [ gunfire ] what happened next marked a dramatic escalation. for the first time, fighter jets took to the skies, arcing through the air, and striking the ground. a mark of how desperate the government's become. unbelievable access there.
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and now to a potentially deadly defect found in popular baby strollers. nearly a quarter million of peg perego strollers are being recalled. a child's head could get stuck. the defect is blamed on one death. the strollers recalled were made between 2004-2007. so parents if you own one of the strollers make sure you contact the manufacturer, the onus is upon you to make that initial contact. apple is releasing an upgraded macintosh operating system today, apple lion. available as download, no disk or memory sticks. the company says mountain lion has more than 200 features including integration of twitter and facebook and the upgrade $20, $10 less than the last one. a detroit family is fighting to keep their beloved pet. neighbors are crying fowl. >> meet waffle the rooster.
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his owners insist he is part of the family just like the cat or the dog. and a judge agreed actually allowing waffle to stay in the home despite a town ordinance against keeping farm animals. >> they said waffle crows at any time of day. so they're appealing the decision. >> that rooster impression, paula? >> i can't do it again. i did a terrible ron gburgundy impression. i will stop when i am ahead. >> smart move. the take down of london tabloid reporters and editors accused in the phone hacking scandal. >> the boss has had bittersweet times and he faced very dark days. you are watching "world news now." ♪ ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by -- is complete, until it's completely clean.
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lysol toilet bowl cleaner gives you maximum coverage from the rim down to the water line to kill 99.9% of germs. and removes stains better than clorox toilet bowl cleaner with bleach. so if you want to do the whole job, lysol's got you covered. lysol. mission for health. and for an incredibly clean and fresh bowl with every flush, try the no mess automatic toilet bowl cleaner.
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have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep.
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and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta.
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amazing what a little seltzer and blow dryer, hair dryer can do. >> nice and warm. >> thank you. rupert murdoch's empire continues to crumble. >> several top employees of "news of the world" face charges in britain's phone hacking scandal. abc's j >> reporter: paul mccartney was considered fair game, so was heather mills, prince william, brad pitt and angelina jolie. after more than a year in the headlines eight of rupert murdoch's reporters and editors in britain have been charged with hacking the voice mails of more than 600 people over a period of five years. all in search of sensational stories for murdoch's now shuttered tabloid, "the news of the world." >> it is sufficient evidence for there to be a realistic prospect
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of conviction in relation to one or more offenses. >> reporter: among those charged are andy colson, ex-editor of the news of the world and former aide to britain's prime minister. and the trusted head of british operations. the story ex-pleaploded last ye when it was learned news of the world hacked the mail and reported on desperate messages left by her parents. the calls led her family to believe she was still alive when in fact she had been murdered. that revelation revolted the entire country and sparked what has been the decline of murdoch's global media empire. >> the idea that i would sit unmy office dreaming up schemes to undermine investigations is simply untrue. >> reporter: in a statement, rebecca brooks denied the allegation saying she was distressed and angry at prosecutors' decisions to charge her. jeffrey kaufmann, abc news, london. >> a penalty eventually for some
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of that sensational journalism like that. maximum penalty for each charge, two years in prison, a fine or both.scandal, came to light in 2006. the illegal activity was the work of one rogue reporter. >> all of the reporters, kept digging and exposed a massive cover-up. ugly. coming up next -- bruce springsteen, the boss, he reveals a lifelong struggle. >> here is a secret, with the hopes of helping others. it is all next. ♪
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i'm tired. sorry. i was sitting back and relaxing. this story is great. just tell me to shut up now. >> you are in a mood today, faris, i like it.
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bruce springsteen on top of the music world in the '70s and '80s. he says that is when he hit bottom. >> the boss is revealing for the very first time he has struggled with serious depression. abc's bob woodruff has the story. ♪ ♪ we're going to have some fun tonight ♪ >> reporter: bruce springsteen has been on fire for more than 40 years. now at age 62, he just won't stop. but in a new interview with the new yorker magazine he opens up about his bat with depression and even thoughts of suicide which he traces in part to his relationship with his parents, struggles he calls, the subject of my life. it is the thing that eats at me and always will, stripringsteen says, the wound stay with you and you turn them into a language and a purpose. springsteen long told his audiences stories of his difficult relationship with his father who himself suffered from paralyzing depression according to "the new yorker" the singer's
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own depression bubbled to the surface in the early is 30s after born to run and darkness on the edge of town. ♪ >> reporter: in 1982, with a dark acoustic album "nebraska" he was falling deeper into depression. he was feeling suicidal, his friend dave marsh said, he was on a rocket ride from nothing to something. what helped him he says, psych therapy. he started seeing a therapist when the dark clouds gathered. ♪ ♪ springsteen calls his time on stage, the marathon three-hour concerts, a kind of relief from self medication. he is now on tour again with his 17th album "wrecking ball." bob woodruff, abc news, new york. >> amazing, people get to that level of success and fame, that,
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they battle, they're still human. battle the same problem sews s y others do. >> despite all that he said he never did drugs ever. >> good. and the stage is his therapy. i like that philosophy. looked a. ot a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you thousands in out-of-pocket costs. to me, relationships matter. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] with these types of plans,
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get stuck inside. for an intensive clean, use finish dishwasher cleaner. it's taking out the trash for your dishwasher. >> ha-ha. >> oh. >> just another reason -- almost. this is another reason i love the city of las vegas. my spiritual mecca. quickie wedding chapels and all this. quickie weddings have gotten more quickie. now call the vegas wedding wagon. for 99 minutes they'll offer you a ten minute curb side wedding wherever you want to get married along the street, and the welcome to vegas s sign. a nondenominational wedding. and again, $99, minister, flowers, launched just last
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week. already had four pairs of customers. $99, that is a reasonable wedding >> we need to have a wedding on "world news now," live. how about that? >> tell the lucky couple to come on. write us on facebook. >> you want to get married on the show the hysterical. we would poke fun at that as well. this next story, a 21-pound lobster was caught off cape cod. basically they put it up for auction for a ralff lchtraffel. the winner wanted the lobster adopted to the aconveyorup. -- the aquarium. you want to steal it. >> after a raffle, in new orleans. >> not in new orleans. >> in orleans. >> the wasn't in new orleans.
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caught off cape cod. >> the raffle was in new orleans, the second sentence of the story. july 14th. caught there. that's all. just saying new orleans. caught that thing and deep fried it. >> i can't read. and i need to go to bed. >> you're tired. we hate flies. pesky flies. all the crazy weather. this guy, put something on the fund-raising site, called indg-go-go. asking for $15,000 to launch a fly shotgun. it shoots salt at flies. and the salt kills the flies. harmless to everything else, and humans. people have loved the idea so much. he raised $62,000. 40-plus days to go. preorders for the salt gun to kill flies starts $30. saw it kill flies. >> need one on the show. real quick, oakland dropped their dance marathon band.
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it stood in place for 282 years. if you had a dance
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this morning on "world news now" -- paying respects. the star of "batman" christian bale visits aurora, colorado, the scene of the movie theater massacre. >> while detectives uncover more disturbing details about the suspected gunman. it's wednesday, july 25th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning, everybody. happy wednesday. i'm rob nelson. >> i'm paula faris. sorry. was going to say beige team activate. >> gray-beige. neutral, it is all right. >> we're going to got to our top story and homecoming from the
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tragedy in colorado in a moment. the real-life family drama made for reality tv involves, michael jackson any mother. children, siblings in a feud that could end up in court in a few hours. if we have available time, abc, for new soap, drama. >> this beg for a special report or some kind of special hour-long thing. apparently got really nasty, to the point, there was pretty hot verbal and physical confrontation between janet jackson and michael's daughter paris. so things have gotten wild all over the dispute over his, his will. where that money is going. whether a fraudulent will or not. just turned into a hot mess on every possible level. get to that. >> kind of a lesson in that, if you have specific ideas of how you want things to be done after your death, lay it out, get your will done, so that your family doesn't fall into this mess. >> it is a mess. this half-hour, the price tag for penn state's sex abuse scandal gets higher, hour by hour. we'll explain why the university
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$60 million fine is the beginning. and the scandal is burning up our facebook page. everybody has an opinion on this. >> some people saying they went too farn, others saying not far enough. make sure you weigh in if you haven't already. later you think you are about to enjoy a high priced filet of fish. investigators discover a real bait-and-switch. you may be falling for it, hook, line and sinker. >> oh, good use of puns, paula. well done. something is fishy about the story. >> i like carp. >> what? carp. fry, fry it is it all good. first in aurora, signs of hope and healing in the middle of so much hurt. >> the movie star all the victims lined up to see on screen, batman's christian bale, rather, visited colorado to visit survivors and thank first responders. as abc's dan harris reports, investigators are now questioning the suspect's state of mind. >> reporter: christian bale star of the dark knight rises
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publicly expressed his quote, horror of the massacre carried out on the opening night of his hit movie. he has gone further than issuing a statement, flying in to personally see the victims in the hospital. meanwhile abc news learned new details about the bizarre behavior of the man who allegedly modeled his massacre on the joker. abc news learned that inside the aurora police headquarters, in the hours after the shooting, holmes was staring at the wall with his eyebrows twitching. >> this could all be behavior indicative of some sort of psychotic episode. it might be there is other stuff going on in his head. >> reporter: "the washington post" says holmes' mother, told her friend she worried for years about her son being socially isolated and wanted him in counseling. in the days before the massacre, mixed signals. on the one hand, eight days beforehand a neighbor says holmes was out looking for a new apartment. two days before spotted in the bar chatting sports. on the other hand, how hole had
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a profile on that read will you come visit me in prison? meanwhile extraordinary new stories from the survivors. amanda's boyfriend, alex tevez sacrificed himself to save her. >> he pulled me down and he covered my head. he said, shh, shh, stay down. it is okay. stay down. i did. >> reporter: you think he knew that he was putting himself in danger for you? >> i know he did. he would do anything for me. >> reporter: it is an incredible story. we do have a hopeful note now, involving a woman, katie medley seated in theater nine directly behind me next to her husband caleb. when he got shot. she has give birth to the baby boy in the same hospital where her husband is being treated. no word yet on whether they have been visited by christian bale. dan harris, abc news, aurora, colorado. >> before we get to pictures of the beautiful little baby,
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jackson, i think it was great christian bale did this unannounced no publicity. goes to show the type of person he is. typically when the a listers, hollywood actors, actresses do something, it is all about me, see how good a person, humanitarian, benefactor i am. >> this seemed genuine and unchoreographed which was good. >> uh-huh. the little baby boy, jackson, of course, see the first pictures of him right there born on tuesday. there is the mom, katie medley. the father remains in critical condition. he had three surgeries since friday. in a medically induced coma. he is starting to breathe on his own. they say his heart rate shot up to 130 beats per minute when folks started talking about the new baby, little beautiful little jackson there >> i heard another report that his medical bills could be in the millions of dollars, all its said and done. i don't hatch at dress here, a website where they're collection money for him. as of yesterday morning, $50,000 they raised so far. again, a small drop in the
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bucket compared to what he is going to need. google and find out. a spot you can donate to help him out with what he has been through and a new baby. they could use every dime. let's help them out. >> for sure. a new call for gun control after the massacre, in washington it is not likely to turn to acts. house and senate leaders from both side of the aisle said they have no plans to revisit the gun issue with little time left for congress to deal with it now. a small group of democrats is continuing the push calling for a ban on high capacity ammunition clips. unsyria, the violence is escalating in a battle for the country's largest city. president assad's military has been pounding rebels in city of aleppo. war planes circling, attack helicopters deliver strike after strike. while the battle rages government forces now apore to have the upper hand in the capital of damascus. a dramatic police foot chase ended it we deadly plunge at niagara falls.
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the man was running from a police officer last night when he jumped over a retaining wall and fell 100 feet into the niagara gorge. a wooded area just downstream from the main falls. the officer jumped in after him. the suspect did eventually die. the officer was lifted to safety. he suffered a broken leg. the new orleans police department is bracing for a sweeping overall aimed at wiping out decades of corruption and mismanagement, attorney general eric holder announce the signing of a federal decree yesterday. said to be the broadest, toughest reforms ever imposed on a law enforcement agency in this country. the agreement needs final approval from a federal judge. in chicago the man who murdered three members of actress jennifer hudson's family will spend the rest of his life behind bars. hudson in the courtroom tuesday when he was sentenced. he faces three life terms for the shooting death of the star's mother, brother and nephew four years ago. bellfour was married to hudson's
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sister. the bitter family feud involving michael jackson's sublings, mother and his children, it is intensifying, things got physical, reportedly with slaps, punches even a headlock. the famous family is divided over the children's custody, a battle playing out for the world to see. abc easy t.j. winick has the the latest. >> reporter: michael jackson's three children, paris, prince and blanket are caught in the middle of a full-fledged custody battle between their famous family members. this surveillance video is believed to show the kids in the driveway of their grandmother katherine's california estate followed by their aunt janet, uncles randy and jermaine. trent jackson the cousin taking care of the youngsters claimed jermaine and the group tried to take the kids. >> janet jackson slapped paris jackson in the face. after the slap, janet jackson told paris jackson, you are a spoiled little [ bleep ]. paris jackson retaliated. paris jackson slapped janet
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jackson back, get the [ bleep ] out of here like a scene from the jerry springer. trent punched jermaine jackson in the mouth and grand randy in a headlock. >> paris, prince and blanket have not seen their guardian katherine jackson for days. she is in arizona. the children believe she has essentially been kidnapped by michael jackson's siblings. many claim it is over money, jermaine wants a share of his dead brother's fortune. >> i believe katherine and the children ben factors of the estate fall on one side. and then randy and jermaine and janet and tito fall on the other side. >> reporter: now according to tmz, tj jackson, the 34-year-old cousin is making a bid to become their guardian. claiming that the children are being manipulated but than visit katherine at any time. >> the grand kids force her and she is a force of calm. when she is not there there is a
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real void in the family. >> reporter: michael jackson's estate is now worth $1 billion. two former managers will be in court asking for unpaid commissions. tj winick, abc news, new york. >> do you see my mind explode right now, trying to figure out who is who? >> a wild family. more money more problems. a billion dollars on the line. kids involved. not a huge surprise it has gotten messy. nobody expected jerry springer messy which sound like it is. >> we need a diagram, who is who. feel like there is a new family member. >> tj, never heard of him. >> getting into the full. >> apparently, janet isn't in it for the money. she has tons of money. she wants to protect paris who is now an aspiring actress. she said michael did such a good job of protecting the kids, integrity, hiding their faces making sure they stayed out of the spotlight. she wants to be in the spotlight. that is not how michael would have wanted it. she is getting involved. >> at a certain point she will
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be her own person. i don't know what will happen. we will keep an eye on that. it has the gotten mess sy. round and round she goes and goes and goes. >> where she stops nobody knows. >> the next line. >> one woman to add a check mark on her bucket list. >> a california woman earned her place in the record books for the longest ferris wheel ride ever. she spent more than a day on the ride at the california state fair, that is 26:43:46 to be exact. she got plenty of bathroom breaks but no sleep at all. >> she was allowed to get off to tinkle. >> go pee-pee in the potty. >> she felt like a 2-year-old who needed a nap. unpadded seats didn't help. we have e seen stupider record breaken on the show. nice day on the ferris wheel. not a bad way to spend the day. >> 26 hours up straight, nothing compared to this shift. >> we're used to that. the actress reinventing herself
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and also cashing in a little bit after her high profile breakup. >> the bait-and-switch involving your favorite fish. and it could be costing you a e next on "world news now." >> well done. ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ female announcer ] gross -- i'll tell you what's really gross: used dishcloths. they can have a history that they drag around with them. for a cleaner way to clean try bounty extra soft. in this lab demo, one sheet of bounty extra soft leaves this surface 3 times cleaner than a dishcloth. it's super durable too. it's the cleaner way to clean. bring it with bounty extra soft. in the pink pack. and try bounty napkins. blast of cold feels nice. why don't you use bengay zero degrees? it's the one you store in the freezer. same medicated pain reliever used by physical therapists. that's chilly.
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[ male announcer ] new bengay zero degrees. freeze and move on. i only use french's french fried onions on my crunchy onion chicken because it's america's number one brand. just minutes to make, then bake!
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penn state could lose much more than the $60 million it was fined by the ncaa earlier this week. on top of that sponsors are canceling ads on penn state games. state farm will not advertise on home game broadcast, it does not want to support the university any longer. on top of that general motors is reconsidering its sponsorship deal. wall street is threatening to downgrade the school's credit rating. meantime, good news for the school. according to the harrisburg patriot news, the football coach, bill brian said no players informed him of plans to transfer out of the program. the option given to all the
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players as part of the agreement with ncaa. several reports say it created a feeding frenzy among top collegiate teams. you can't imagine everyone is going to stay though? >> created free agency, unprecedented territory. schools that have max scholarships they will waive that because of unprecedented territory. state farm is dropping its football sponsorship, still sponsoring some other sports. pepsi is considering sponsorship as well. >> amazing fallout. >> the ncaa sanctions they're a hot topic on our facebook fan page. >> gretchen, for example, she says taking away the wins, retroactively shows the severity of the offense and send a warning to all other universities, football or any other sporting program will not and should not control a university. >> jerika, a school name, jeremiah and erica mixed together. why are the students and players being penalized for actions of a
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select few, taking the wanes iny will not disgrace paterno any further. he is already gone. >> they got off easy. every program under the jurisdiction of the athletic director would be suspend ford five years to show sports are not more important than children. >> uh-huh. >> interesting. >> another interesting bit of fallout. moody investor services they may downgrade the school's rating which is going to hurt enrollment, fund-raising. ramifications well beyond the playing field. >> let me throw one point out there. i know the ramifications to the football program, a hot topic, how will the football program recover, how long will it hurt the game? let me ask a question, let's talk about the recovery of sandusky's victims, how long will it take for them to recover, let's focus a little bit on that. football will be okay. the lives have been irreparably harmed, the human toll, not the athletic toll. we will be back with more.
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if you order fish in a restaurant -- does mcdonald's count? >> that ain't fish. >> or buy it at a supermarket. >> a new investigation shows fish fraud is now rampant. abc's matt gutman tells us though why it is hard to stop. >> reporter: that first bite of grouper, tastes shshy? that's because fraud is often what's for dinner. the conversation group oceana sampled 61 florida seafood businesses finding a one in three chance of a bait-and-switch. instead of that prime filet of fish you get another cheaper fish. red snapper is almost always constituted with something else. substituted for something else. >> reporter: this man has been testing fish for years. >> out and out consumer fraud. customers not getting what paid
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for. and health risks. substitutes are contaminated. >> reporter: florida is just the beginning. oceana found in boston. 48% of the fish is mislabeled. in l.a., 55%. being listed in yelp or zagut doesn't help. now there are regulations to protect consumers but there is little oversight. you may think you are getting snapper when in fact you are getting tilapia. maybe think you are getting grouper again you are getting tilapia. nationally 2% of our fish is inspected. less than .001 of the fish is inspect ford mislabelling. national restaurant association tells us deliberate fraud is certainly not accepted at any point in the supply chain no matter what the product. so, how can consumers protect themselves? at the fish market, he recommends buying whole fish and using common sense. >> if you pay a very cheap price
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on the filet, you are not buying what you are supposed to be getting. >> reporter: matt gutman, abc news, miami. >> i could go for fish and chips. >> bring me my fish sticks. >> filet of fish. >> the good stuff. like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15
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will answer some of your questions, and help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. ♪ i'm watching i'm watching for i'm watching american television ♪ ♪ i'm watching i'm watching for american television ♪ >> thank you bachelorette for this week's paycheck. >> three out of ten ain't so bad. >> appreciate it. >> we didn't see that much of katie holmes in the years she was married to tom cruise. >> now less than a month after her bombshell divorce announcement she is well everywhere, now magazine covers even on broadway. abc's amy robach reports on her big career makeover. >> reporter: even the rain can't keep katie holmes down these
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days. spotted on the streets of new york city with daughter in tow. it appears holmes is taking full advantage of her post s divorce publicity and highlighting her role as a rising style icon by gracing los angeles based "c" magazine revealing a more sexy confident look. in the interview conducted one day before she announce she'd was divorcing tom cruise, holmes speaks out on her future telling the magazine, quote, i am ready to talk on some more challenging roles. i feel look i worked so much at a young age that i really wanted to have life experiences. i feel more balanced and like i have more to bring to the table. hole m whose launched the ready to wear line label, holmes and yang, in 2009 with jean yang, is rocking elegant looks from her latest collection. >> when we spoke to katie holmes she was excited about her future. she definitely had a plan. and she knew that going forward she would want to put her energy
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into -- her fashion line and -- and upcoming movie projects. >> reporter: but 33-year-old holmes isn't just gracing magazine covers. on thursday producers announced she would make her return to the great white way this fall starring in the broadway play "dead accounts." her movie career seems to be back on track as well. holmes set to film "molly" centered on a single mother and her daughter. a project she is producing and co-wrote. >> katie holmes had never had a more exciting time in her life in terms of her career. you know, she has got it all. she's got money behind her. looks. talent. she has got fame. this is it. strike while the iron is incredibly hot. >> amy robach, abc news, new york. >> the last point is very true. she was a star before she met tom cruise. the marriage blew her up. making the money. the business of show business. >> she is relatable, likable. i might buy some of her fashion
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designs if i can afford them. >> well we will see. more from abc next!
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this morning on "world news now" -- drama in aurora, this morning on "world news now" -- drama in aurora, a shooting victim delivers a healthy baby while the infant's father fights for life. >> the debate over gun control after the colorado tragedy reaches capitol hill. but will it go far? it is wednesday, july 25th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning, everybody. i'm paula faris. wednesday, right? >> hump day. >> the humpty dance. i'll shut up. >> all right. i'm rob nelson. we'll get to the developments in colorado and the top story this half-hour. the astounding sex abuse
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cover-up involving the roman catholic church. a high ranking member of the slernlg clergy faces a severe punishment, the first u.s. official to do so. this morning, frantic calls to 911 from a southern california woman. she thought she saw a sleeping mountain lion out her back window. but this was a prank. and you will hear how the police responded to it. it looks kind of real to me. i'm freaked out too. >> gave away the best part. it was not really real. >> you have to hear the exchange, it is priceless. >> the operator was funny. on the other end. really big decision from a reality tv star, sharon osborne's career decision. does it mean you will see less of her, coming up in "the skinny." first, our top story on this wednesday morning, in aurora, colorado, a birth and visit from "batman" star christian bale. >> pain and promise went hand in hand in a hospital where one family's story has touched so many people.
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abc's larry jacobs has the very latest. >> reporter: katie medley was 9 months pregnant and escaped unharmed from the shooting spree inside the movie theater. her husband did not, caleb was shot and remains in critical condition at university medical center. just one floor above his wife gave birth on tuesday morning to their son hugo, some are calling a miracle baby. >> we know we are in the hospital but felt like we are surrounded by friend from the moment we got here. >> reporter: in another area hospital, actor christian bale, plays batman in "the dark knight" movie playing the night of the aurora shooting paid a surprise visit spending time with survivors. the denver broncos have given comfort to some 58 movie-goers that were injured. >> they actually care. that's why they are coming around to everybody. >> this is our community. we have to come together as a community during these tough times. >> reporter: the massacre sparked a vigorous debate on tightening some gun laws. >> maybe it is time to ban assault weapons and high
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capacity magazines that have no purpose other than the juan -- wanton destruction of human life. >> the president has the made clear he is not going to use this horrific event to push for new gun laws. i agree. >> reporter: gun sales have jumped sharply in colorado in the three days following the massacre. the "denver post" reports, background checks went up 41% compared to the week before. the alleged shooter, james holmes will be formally charged next week. prosecutors say they may seek the death penalty. larry jacobs, abc news, new york. >> wow. >> an update on some of the casualties. yeah, we knew there were 12 fatalities. 58 injuries. 23 patients brought to university of colorado hospital. 14 have been treated and released. five patients remain in critical condition. one in good condition. two in fair. you heard the wonderful story about the baby boy hugo that was born. >> against all odds. >> against all odds.
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mom was 9 months pregnant. a healthy little boy. his father in critical condition but is making some strides. breathing on his own. and his heart rate, everything goes up when, when, he hears the name, and, people talk about him. >> every tragedy has its mere -- miracles. the baby is the silver lining in what happened in colorado too. scary too, if the assault weapon ban was in effect. expired in 2004 under president bush. holmes would not have been able to purchase the deadliest of the weapons, ar-15 assault rifle. politically on both sides of the aisle there is no will to get anything done this year. it is very interesting the idea gun sales are up 41% in colorado since the tragedy. you know, at a certain point, violence begets violence. and nobody knows what the right answer is. nothing will happen on capitol hill. are more guns the answer? i don't know. >> same thing happened in arizona after gabrielle giffords was shot. it went up 60%. >> yeah. it is never ending problem in the country for sure. we shift gears to a story from niagara falls where a suspect being chased by police plummeted to his death. the man jumped over a wall and
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fell 100 feet into the niagara gorge, a sloped wooded area downstream. the officer jumped in after him, suffered a broken leg. rescuers did manage to lift the officer to safety and later retrieved the body of the suspect. police now think they know what cause aid horrific truck crash in south texas. as the accident claimed yet another life. a 15th victim died. eight passengers are still in the hospital after the sunday crash. investigators say the -- rather, sorry about that, the right front tire on the puckup truck apparently came apart. all 23 packed into the truck are believed illegal immigrants who just crossed into texas. reaction is coming in to a legal landmark in the city of philadelphia. a high ranking roman catholic church official was sentence ford his role in covering up sex abuse charges against priests. as abc's linsey davis reports, the judge delivered not just the sentence, but also a devastating rebuke. >> reporter: monsignor william
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lynn the first official in the catholic church convicted of a crime for shielding priests known to be predators will have to pay a three to six years penance behind bars. >> he locked in a vault the names of men that he knew had abused children. he now will be locked away for a fraction of the time he kept that secret vault. >> reporter: an official in the philadelphia arch diocese in charge of investigating sex abuse allegations against priests but he was convicted of covering them up. during sentencing the judge told him he allowed monsters in clerical garb to destroy the souls of children to whom you turned a hard heart. a message that was welcomed by survivors of child abuse at the hands of priests. >> we believe this will have a tremendous deterrent effect on other church officials who even now may be concealing child sex crimes. the day is gone when you can ignore and enable child sex
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crimes in a church and hope to get by with it scot-free. >> reporter: but the monsignor's lawyer said lynn had been following orders and vowed to appeal. >> all of a sudden he is being held responsible for all of the abuse that occurred over, over 30 to 40 years. none of which he participated in. >> reporter: a similar case is pending in kansas. so while lynn was the first u.s. church official convicted for his handling of child sex abuse claims, he may not be the last. linsey davis, abc news, new york. >> can't be the only person who stunned that after all of these years of hearing about abuse in the catholic church against young kids, that this its the first church official to be branded a felon and going to serve time. just watched what the ncaa did to penn state for similar things. this is the first church official in all these years after decades of cover-up that its astounding to me. >> six years max. maybe the ncaa should sanction the catholic church. >> talk about thin that need to be deterred, that behavior,
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not just a sin, a felony. some folks should be in jail. the first guy after all these years? >> the arch diocese of philadelphia which paid for lynn's defense they issued a statement calling the sentence severe and they say it hoped it will be adjusted. >> i don't think the victim would say it is severe or the many others out there as well. the los angeles city council is now cracking down on medical marijuana shops and some critics there say it is high time for some action. the council voted to ban hundreds of medical marijuana dispensaries that have popped up like weeds across the city. oh. i'm here all week -- tip your bartenders. those that live nearby say the establishments are nothing but trouble. if the mayor approves the crackdown, patients and care givers will be allowed to grow their own. dramatic rescue video out of china this morning. a bridge collapses in torrential rain sending a man in his car crashing into the raging river below.
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rescuers risking their lives to free the man from his crushed car. even as a mudslide threatens to bury them, the man suffered a head wound and some broken bones. he is expected to make a full recovery. just amazing video right there. and violent thunderstorms slamming the chicago area. leaving more than 300,000 folks without power. soaking rain, wind as high as 80 miles an hour, toppled trees and power poles. shutting down train lines, power, may not be fully restored until friday. >> mother nature has been rough this summer. all across the country. the heat, the rain, the flooding, unbelievable. >> no reprieve. >> no, not a break. here is your wednesday weather. hope a better day here. day of severe storms, midwest, ohio valley, minneapolis, cleveland, and thunderstorms across the south, thunderstorms in the dakotas and rockies. >> triple digits in phoenix, kansas city, chicago. 80s in the northeast.
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90s from albuquerque all the way to miami. and check the calendar, because halloween now is a little more than three months away. the severe drought has people wondering what is going on in the pumpkin patch. >> pumpkin patch. >> pumpkin patch. >> pumpkin patch. at least at some farms it turns out things aren't so bad after all. i did not know this. growers say they're keeping a very watchful eye. pumpkins stand up to the hot, dry weather better than other crops. the conditions, fight off fungus which can ruin pumpkins. get ready for a good harvest. get ready for 300 pumpkin pies on your thanksgiving spread. not just 250. >> that is a lot. get this -- one to five billion pounds of pumpkins are grown in the u.s. every year. we love our pumpkins in this country. >> speaking of, we mentioned the pumpkin pie. the largest pumpkin pie made was over 5 feet in diameter. guess how much it weighed? throw a number out there?
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>> 200, 300 pound. >> close, 350 pound. >> see, i know food, baby. >> 80 pounds of pumpkin. 36 pounds of sugar. 20 pound of cool-whip. >> coming up next, the prank that had police officers and 911 operators sharing a good laugh. the actor who made us laugh in a trailblazing sitcom. you are watching "world news now." ♪ to a deluxe apartment in the sky ♪ ♪ moving on up moving on up ♪ to the eastside ♪ we finally got a piece of the pie ♪ ♪ we finally got a piece of the pie ♪ ♪ ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by we know a place where tossing and turning
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have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15
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at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. my little helpers... and 100% natural french's yellow mustard. it has zero calories for me,
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and a taste my family loves. [ wife ] a beached whale! lawn clippings! a mattress. a sausage link. mermaid. honey!? driftwood. come on, you gotta help us out here a little. [ male announcer ] febreze eliminates odors and leaves carpets fresh. ♪ [ male announcer ] febreze. eliminates odors and leaves carpets fresh. ♪ ♪ we're moving on up to the eastside ♪ ♪ we're moving on up to the eastside ♪ >> sing it!
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>> uh. ♪ deluxe apartment >> don't go there. who can forget one of the best sitcoms ever, if you grew up in the '70s or '80s, and sherman hemsley was part of the family. >> hemsley played george jefferson on "all in the family" then on "the jeffersons" passed away yesterday at age 74. john donvan has our remembrance. ♪ moving on up to the eastside >> reporter: from the first time the song played in 1975, two things were always going to be true, that he would always afterwards be known to the world as george jefferson, the dad he played, and that on the day he died his being african-american would be more than duly noted. because sherman hemsley broke into television back when he didn't have much company in that regard, playing george jefferson the black neighbor on a show about the white family, classic "all in the family."
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two years later, the spin-off, a middle-class african-american family that every american family enjoyed. an amazing 11 seasons with hemsley at its head. not bad for a kid raised by a mom who worked in a factory and delivered mail while he was studying to be an actor. in his 74 years, as the song says he moved up and took us with him. john donvan, abc news, washington. >> the reason i think that is such an important story. in terms of black portrayal on tv. went from junkyard of "sanford and son" to the projects of "good times" and deluxe apartment in the sky for "the jeffersons" paved the way for the brown stone on the cosby show. the trajectory, sleep well, mr. jefferson. love the song. i love that show. it did a lot. >> another actor familiar to millions of television viewers has passed away. >> chad everett acted for 40 years, remembered most for his
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role on "medical center" in the '70s when he played doctor joe gannon, he died from lung cancer in l.a. he was 75 years old. coming up -- who is turning o.j. simpson's real-life drama into a movie? >> uh-huh. and will you soon see less of sharon osborne on reality tv? the answer is next in "the skinny." >> announcer: abc's "world
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♪ skinny ♪ so skinny >> apparently nbc is still waiting to hear straight from the horse's mouth, from sharon osborne that she is not returning to "america's got talent." she tweeted yesterday, she says "my darling howard stern." howard stern moved the show, moved from l.a. to new york. she says my darling howard stern. money is not the reason i am not returning to "america's got talent." it is because, dot, dot, dot, it is a surprise. nbc has no idea. she hasn't officially given them word. she is quitting the show for good. she's been with them since season two.
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>> we have seen so many reality show judges, the shift on "american idol" everyone, jumping ship, mariah carey jumping on. >> it's tough work. >> she has another talk show. sick of juggling. you don't hurt for money. >> the news with her son, battling ms as well. i would image that has something to do with it. spend more time with him. >> that makes sense. >> and the fact that she probably hates howard stern. >> like you do. >> i didn't want to say i hate him. i am ambivalent. not really! >> >> there you go alex trebek, a mild heart attack. 72 years old. the good news -- it was a mild heart attack. back on the set of "jeopardy!" without his mustache, i might add. back on the set. in good health. planning to start a few new home improvement projects. alex is back. and keep on keeping on. doing the show so many years now.
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good to have him back. >> o.j. simpson he and his people will be releasing a movie to rebrand himself and change his public image. he is in jail right now. sentenced in 2008 after an incident in a las vegas casino hotel room. he is behind jail. his people are set to release this new movie, they chronicled him right after his acquittal, of, you know the accusations that he murdered his ex-wife and his ex-wife's boyfriend. the film was called "unpromotable" cut from 70 hours of footage taken by a one time promoter when they toured the u.s. in '01. if the won't be released until after the presidential elections, it has racial undertones and doesn't want it to affect obama's chances. >> okay. on the behalf of black and white america, oj, go away. last but not least. one of our favorites on the overnights. sunny hostin, if you are up watching, one of our favorite
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fill-in co-hosts here, on the "view" this morning. there we go. breaking it down. one of the legal segments. sandusky, colorado, and jackson family. check out sunny. i am sure she will rock the spotlight. she always does. check her out.
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back. oh. while it was a terrifying sight for a southern california woman, her ordeal is our -- boom, our "favorite story of the day." she actually spotted a giant mountain lion on her neighbor's property. >> do you think diane sawyer must cringe to see how we defile the desk. >> she doesn't know the show is on the air still. >> it turned out the predator was a prank. kabc's rob hayes, not rob nelson, explains. >> reporter: laguna beach, a
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quaint little burg between the pacific and the hills, hills home to more than just people. >> recently we notified residents in the south laguna area we had a bobcat coming down out of the hillside it's been snatching some of the domesticated cats. >> reporter: that's why beverly's heart started pounding when she glanced in the neighbor's yard and saw this. >> a huge mountain lion that appeared to be sleeping on my neighbor's patio table. >> reporter: she didn't have the phone number with the potentially hungry cat on the prowl she dialed 911. >> what appears to be a giant mountain lion, lying on somebody's patio table. >> okay. it looks like a mountain lion? >> a big one. really big. you guys, somebody get down here as soon as you can. >> reporter: police and animal control officers all rushed to the scene. the problem was the cat was a fake. not really a fake. it's just not breathing anymore.
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>> it was a real cat, dead taxidermy cat. >> reporter: stuffed. for the past 20 years, at least, according to the owner. he didn't want to go on camera but admits lending the lions to friend as part of a prank. >> as a joke, we thought put it in the neighbor's yard and scare the neighbor's wife. well before the neighbor could come home, another neighbor, that would be beverly, saw the mountain lion, called the police, next thing you know we have animal control and police here. >> reporter: as well as one annoyed neighbor. >> the joke was on me. >> reporter: who probably made a second 911 call. >> it is an artificial stuffed mountain lion. i am so sorry. everybody is laughing except for me. i was shaking out of terror the i am so sorry. >> don't be sorry. it kind of made my day. >> reporter: does your neighbor have any other stuffed animals you should know about? >> i don't know. i am definitely going to ask him. >> reporter: rob hayes reporting for abc news. awe thought would have
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freaked me out. fake mountain lion. >> i am not moving. >> you are not moving. a fake paula faris.
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